ASFVdb The African Swine Fever Virus Database
Search by sequence alignment against genomes or genes.
Search by Subcellular location
Search genes grouped by their locations in a cell.
Search by Function
Search genes grouped by their GO annotation.
Population Genetics
Search genes by population genetics test statistics.
Protein Struture
Search genes with structure annotation.
Clusters of highly homologous genes.
Last Updates:
Seven strains, China_wbBS01_2018, Ukraine_Kyiv_2014, Belgium_Etalle_wb_2018, Lithuania_LT14_2014, South_Africa_1985, South_Africa_2_2008 and Zambia_LIV_1983, have been added and the database is refresed.  2020/1/16
Two strains, China_LN_2018 and China_HLJ_2018, have been added and the database is refresed.  2019/06/23
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